Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You Are Not Alone ...

If you are applying for an annulment or going through the annulment process you can feel very much alone. Often annulment petitions can go into a tribunal and you hear nothing for months the time. You may wonder, is anyone else going through this experience?

You may be surprised to know that in 2008 [the most recent year for these records] there were approximately 20,000 annulment petitions initiated in the United States. Since every petition involves both parties – and normally 3 to 5 witnesses – that means that there were anywhere from 100,000 - 140,000 people interacting with tribunals across the country.

So if you are feeling isolated and "in the dark," know that there are many other people asking the church to consider the annulment of their marriage is well. You are not alone!

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